Monday, December 19, 2011

Matisse Masterpiece....

I absolutely love this student's version of a Matisse Cut Paper Collage...they were asked to draw their self portraits over the cut paper but this student decided she felt a little silly today ...hence the clownlike portrait...I like this world she lives in :D

Monday, December 12, 2011

A little Matisse...a little Warhol...

Finishing up "Imagine That" art classes with Henri Matisse's Red Fish...then on to Pint Size Picasso's with a little pop art ala Andy Warhol...

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Finished my custom orders for Christmas ornaments this afternoon...from Angry Birds to Lego man to ATV's and skateboards..a mixed bag of merriment...hope all these kiddos like this year's crop.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I can dream..can't I?

Oh the weather outside is frightful....what with 60 degree heat waves and pouring rain...but today when a student shook her little snow globe and perched it on her desk, I watched as the snow swirled and dreamed of a white least an inch or two, please.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Tale of Two Cities....

I have spent the last few days running back and forth between New York City with the girls and St. Johnsbury, Vermont with Dave...two totally different places with completely unique vibes...but both wonderful in their own "Christmasy" I think I must rest up for next weekend's adventure!